10 New Management Gurus & Ideas

FORTUNE lists the 10 new management gurus one should watch out for & their big ideas. If you don’t want to miss out on a possible next big thing, you better have a look at this. 

Following is a listing from this article, listed in the order of my take on the ideas.  

    1. Patrick Lencioni / Most executives don’t realize that the internal health of a company is key to its success (former Oracle HR exec)
    2. BJ Fogg / Mobile technology will be the most powerful way to influence consumers in the next 15 years
    3. Rakesh Khurana / Charismatic CEOs don’t work; management needs to become a profession, like law
    4. Joel Podolny / Business schools must teach real-life problem solving (has just joined Apple to build Apple University)
    5. Janine Benyus / Innovate by imitating, or “mimicking” nature
    6. Niko Canner / Companies tend to avoid change, or change at the expense of their core strengths
    7. Valerie Casey / A Kyoto Protocol for designers
    8. Dan Ariely / People are predictably irrational
    9. Nouriel Roubini / Create a new global regulatory framework
    10. Don Sull / Welcome uncertainty in turbulent times