YES To News, NO To Paper

Newspapers_Jaymi Heimbuch(Photo courtesy Jaymi Heimbuch)

A lifestyle experiment brings in an era of no newspapers at the Shub household.

It first started with my early-to-office routine to beat the dreaded Bangalore traffic. The start was so early, that I missed the arrival of the day’s newspapers on most days. The news reading routine got relegated to the evening. Though I found myself in the dark on some topics over coffee table discussions, I didn’t really miss the newspaper much. 

Another phenomenon that enhanced the disillusionment with newspapers was “commodity journalism”. Non-newsworthy items becoming front page articles. Lack of expertise & perspective in reporting. Internet articles making it to print 2-3 days later. More & more items are worth skipping (amongst the newspapers I read, Mint was an exception).

Finally, the pain of storing old newspapers in a small metro apartment was the clincher. Space & cleanliness issues (roaches love the old paper storage area) were just not worth it. Good riddance. 

So, the beginning of the new year witnessed an astonished newspaper vendor being told to stop the delivery. It is an experiment yet. During this time, we will switch to laptops, iPhone & the Kindle to access our news. Through these channels, news is more current, we get to pick & choose what we want to consume, and maybe save a few trees being felled to print “Page 3” kind of a crap. We sure will miss the weekend routine of reading newspapers over a lazy cuppa. But I am hoping we will get used to the switch. 

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Why Should You Blog
It is a SPIKY (not flat) world

Why Should You Blog

(Photo Courtesy alamodestuff)

#1: To Share

The original purpose of my creating Muses of the Gleep was to share useful information. Sharing is fun, satisfying & builds camaraderie. I once did some research on brand taglines and shared my research results as a post. Brand Tagline is one of the most viewed posts on this blog today. You could also share your ideas, learning, experiences, insights or opinion on any topic of interest. 

~ Quotes To Live By – Life Lessons from Richard Branson
~ Links of Interest – 27Oct2010
~ Intrapreneurs – Engaged Employees
~ Difference Between Mars & Venus

#2: To Learn

If you are a learner for life like me, blogging is a tremendous learning platform. Whenever learning is done with an intent of passing the knowledge to others, the learning process & resulting internalization tends to be richer. Apart from the additional research & the change in learning perspective, there is also the “meta-cognition of thinking of what you’re going to say, explaining yourself & expressing yourself” – an effective way to to formulate your thought processes.  Finally, there is the humility that comes along with writing.

~ Plan Your Presentation
~ Thinking of becoming an entrepreneur?

#3: To Spread Ideas

The internet has democratized publishing. With a blog, you can spread your ideas & those of others that resonate with you, much faster than was imaginable just a few years ago. Your blog can be your stage for 15 minutes of fame.  If the ideas are good, they will be consumed by netizens across the world. Else, as the saying goes, you create something that makes you famous amongst the 15 people who matter to you. 

~ Best Friend At Work
~ Being Authentic While Competing

#4: To Market

When it comes to personal branding or marketing on the internet, no other medium comes close! It is free, easy to update & has a tremendous reach. If any brand (including & especially you) is not using a blog for internet marketing, it is for you to loose.

~ Top 5 Personal Branding Resources
~ Measure of what you believe, is what you do!

#5: To Build Accountability

One way of building personal accountability is to announce your intentions (life goals, yearly resolutions or your bucket list) to the world. This way you hold yourself accountable to a larger audience, that (I believe) increases the chances of you achieving the same. Increased possibly comes in the form of a helping hand, or a nudge forward, or additional internal motivation to deliver on your public claims.

~ Reinforce The Positives
~ Are You Doing Your Part?
~ The Most Effective Habit

People have varied reasons to blog. I have listed below a few others that might tickle your interest.

#  to use it as an autobiography of sorts
#  to give your kids a peek into your world
#  to improve writing skills
#  to create conversations 
#  to add to the voice / cause on the internet

Find your reason to blog!

Links of Interest – 12Oct2010

  • The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs: Insanely Different Principles for Breakthrough SuccessApple, represents the anti-business school philosophy. It’s approach is to put its resources behind a few products and commit to making those products exceptionally well. “I’m actually as proud of many of the things we haven’t done as the things we have done” says Steve Jobs.
  • For me, Google’s Android has always been “geeky”. You might still love it, and this cool application could be one reason why.
  • More Google news: this time it’s about them investing (as much as $ 1.5b) in offshore wind farms. Yesterday it was about Google investing in self driving car technology, today it is wind farms, what next in line? A storm is already brewing in the academic circles about these investments.
  • World’s youngest CEO (at 14) of a multi-national company. On the board of the World Bank. Youngest ever member of the World Economic Forum. Who is this it?

Camaro On Display

The amazing Chevy Camaro on display at the new Mantri Square in Bengaluru.