Why Should You Blog

(Photo Courtesy alamodestuff)

#1: To Share

The original purpose of my creating Muses of the Gleep was to share useful information. Sharing is fun, satisfying & builds camaraderie. I once did some research on brand taglines and shared my research results as a post. Brand Tagline is one of the most viewed posts on this blog today. You could also share your ideas, learning, experiences, insights or opinion on any topic of interest. 

~ Quotes To Live By – Life Lessons from Richard Branson
~ Links of Interest – 27Oct2010
~ Intrapreneurs – Engaged Employees
~ Difference Between Mars & Venus

#2: To Learn

If you are a learner for life like me, blogging is a tremendous learning platform. Whenever learning is done with an intent of passing the knowledge to others, the learning process & resulting internalization tends to be richer. Apart from the additional research & the change in learning perspective, there is also the “meta-cognition of thinking of what you’re going to say, explaining yourself & expressing yourself” – an effective way to to formulate your thought processes.  Finally, there is the humility that comes along with writing.

~ Plan Your Presentation
~ Thinking of becoming an entrepreneur?

#3: To Spread Ideas

The internet has democratized publishing. With a blog, you can spread your ideas & those of others that resonate with you, much faster than was imaginable just a few years ago. Your blog can be your stage for 15 minutes of fame.  If the ideas are good, they will be consumed by netizens across the world. Else, as the saying goes, you create something that makes you famous amongst the 15 people who matter to you. 

~ Best Friend At Work
~ Being Authentic While Competing

#4: To Market

When it comes to personal branding or marketing on the internet, no other medium comes close! It is free, easy to update & has a tremendous reach. If any brand (including & especially you) is not using a blog for internet marketing, it is for you to loose.

~ Top 5 Personal Branding Resources
~ Measure of what you believe, is what you do!

#5: To Build Accountability

One way of building personal accountability is to announce your intentions (life goals, yearly resolutions or your bucket list) to the world. This way you hold yourself accountable to a larger audience, that (I believe) increases the chances of you achieving the same. Increased possibly comes in the form of a helping hand, or a nudge forward, or additional internal motivation to deliver on your public claims.

~ Reinforce The Positives
~ Are You Doing Your Part?
~ The Most Effective Habit

People have varied reasons to blog. I have listed below a few others that might tickle your interest.

#  to use it as an autobiography of sorts
#  to give your kids a peek into your world
#  to improve writing skills
#  to create conversations 
#  to add to the voice / cause on the internet

Find your reason to blog!

It is a SPIKY (not flat) world


Is the world truly getting flat? Nah  .. say John Hagel III and John Seely Brown in their latest blog post. Some of the arguments they introduce into the debate are:

People are moving into large urban areas at an accelerating rate — today over 50% of the world’s population lives in dense cities versus ~30% in 1950. If location no longer mattered in terms of economic potential for an individual, it seems likely that more people would stay in place rather than uproot themselves to relocate.

First reason for the above mentioned movement, tacit knowledge — the “know-how” that is not codified and is often gained through experience — is increasingly valuable; rich exchanges of tacit knowledge generally require face-to-face contact.

The second factor is related to serendipity, the ability to attract people and resources we need but don’t yet know exist. In a dense city, the probability of serendipitous encounters increases; if the city draws a specific talent pool (such as entertainment in LA or finance in NY), the number and quality of encounters improves.

So what about all the latest technologies that were triggering the flattening of the world?

Far from flattening, these technologies are actually fuelling spikiness – smaller number of densely populated cities – by lowering the barrier to movement into big cities. Telecommunication technology helps people stay in touch with friends & relatives they have left behind. And, location based technology is making it easier for new entrants navigate cities faster. Socio-location technologies also help us get in touch with our tribes that are bound by common passion & interests. 

Read the full post here.

Links of Interest – 27Oct2010

5 Lessons MS Software Architect Ray Ozzie | Fast Company

1. Take time to paint a vision of the future
2. Put past successes “in perspective”
3. Recognize what’s inevitable in your industry
4. “Inevitable” is not the same as “imminent”
5. Real transformation has to come from within

The Eight-Word Mission Statement | Harvard Business Review

Kevin Starr of Mulago Foundation insists that companies he funds can express their mission statement in under eight words. They also must follow this format: “Verb, target, outcome.”

Why I don’t care about success | Zen Habits

~ Obviously, the first problem with success is how you define success
~ Success isn’t about achieving something in the future, but about doing something right now that you love.

10 Wonderful Wildlife iPhone Photographs | Mashable


50 ideas to change science forever | New Scientist

~ The internet telescope How the web gets beneath our skin
Lifelogging Digital immortality available now
…and many more