Lunch With TED

There are many days at work, where I lunch at my desk. I might have a small window of lunch time. Or I am trying to head home early. Or I just play feel like it.

A very long time ago, I discovered that a TED Talk fits nicely into my lunch slots – 18 min deadlines are useful! And the presenters & their ideas are not bad company at all. Continue reading “Lunch With TED”

Effective Practice

Effective_Practice(click on image for larger version)

I came across this TED-Ed video about Effective Practice this morning. The concept seems very similar to deliberate practice .. and as useful, if you are a continuous learner. My take aways from the video are documented in the mind map above.

Why I Blog


I have maintained a blog now for about a decade. Posts are about my travel, my hobbies, my heroes, my thoughts & some just for the heck of it. And just last month, I lost all of it – hundreds of posts collated over this long period.

To my surprise, loosing all of this content didn’t hurt me much. Maybe the process of blogging was more important than the end result? Or, this was an opportune event to get a new start to a hobby that I haven’t been consistent with. Whatever the reason, it was time to mull over why I blogContinue reading “Why I Blog”