25 Ways to Show Loyalty to Your Customers

ThanksYou_Flickr-woodleywonderworks(Photo courtesy flickr | woodleywonderworks)

A business that values its focus on its customers, regularly find ways to show their loyalty to their customers. It is a good practice for your & your customer facing teams to regularly find novel & memorable ways of doing this.

Chip Bell & John Patterson have listed 25 ways of doing this in their Wired & Dangerous blog:

  • Invite a customer to an important staff meeting to talk about their needs and goals
  • Arrange for a special learning experience for customers
  • Name a policy, building, or conference room for a key customer
  • Start a fund or scholarship in the name of a key customer
  • Poll your customer for their input on important changes you plan to make

Read the entire list here.

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2 thoughts on “25 Ways to Show Loyalty to Your Customers

  1. there is two sides to creating great relationships in business; from the side of the business & the side of the consumer. I think these are great tips for a business to appreciate their customers.
    Consumers also need to follow some rules to that "win,win" for both sides.
    check out the new book by Ray Chubb: The 5 Step Guide to Empowering Consumers


  2. @Brooke – indeed it takes two hands to clap. Creating a situation wherein consumers want to play their part is crucial as well. Thanks for pointing to the book.

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